Friday, July 28, 2006

Little Epiphanies: Solitary Confinement

Sorry, this one is a little extra depressing.

If you never could understand how being in complete solitary confinement could be considered torture/drive someone crazy then you have never felt truly alone.

It takes feeling completely alone to appreciate how devastating solitary confinement actually is on the mind.

Little Epiphanies: One in a Million

The phrase "You're(/I'm) one in a million" kind of loses it's meaning when you realize there are upwards of 6.5 billion people on this planet. I mean think about it ... another you could be born tomorrow.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A look into the past

So if you want to look at some of the old blogging I have done from a while ago, you can fid it here.

Old Xanga Journal.

Apparently, (I just found this out) it goes back quite a ways. I think like 2003, which, for me, is quite a ways. Back to the beginning of my junior year of college. After rereading there are a few entries I find amusing, but it may very well be boring to most. It's always fun to take a look back at where you once stood.

Anyhoo, on with the show.